
Recognizing that retirement is a major transition for faculty, the university provides faculty the flexibility that they need so that they can approach retirement on their terms. While faculty retain the option to retire at once, they also can adjust their profile for a specific number of years prior to retirement via a phased retirement agreement. A phased retirement agreement allows faculty to work at a reduced effort for a corresponding reduced salary. Phased retirement agreements are subject to the approval of the academic dean and the Provost. Policy on phased retirement is discussed in the Faculty Handbook (Section 9-B). Note that the university considers retirement at any age an early retirement.

As you consider retirement, three major resources are available at the university. First Debbie Jones, Faculty Retirement Navigator is housed in the Office of Academic and Faculty Affairs. Ms. Jones is available for confidential inquiries or appointments concerning retirement, retirement timelines and the overall transition. Keri Marroquin, the Benefits Administration Retirement Navigator is available to discuss retirement transactions, including health care coverage, retirement plan distributions and other benefits. Additionally, as you consider retirement, the Emeriti Center is available to discuss your retirement and involvement with the university post-retirement.

Post-retirement, retired faculty may be invited back to teach or conduct research part-time. The Emeriti Center provides educational service, academic and social opportunities for retired faculty and their partners. Also, the Emeriti College provides opportunities to mentor, conduct research, and teach on campus or at sites throughout greater Los Angeles and around the county. Retired faculty also are eligible for appointment to university, school, departmental, and Academic Senate committees.

For more information about retirement or to schedule a confidential appointment with Debbie Jones, Faculty Retirement Navigator, please contact:

Debbie Jones
Retirement Navigator
Office of the Vice Provost for Academic and Faculty Affairs
University of Southern California
ADM 204 MC 4019
T: (213) 740-7641
C: (626) 524-4112

Last updated July 2024