Employee Emergency Information


To: USC Faculty and Staff

From: Michael W. Quick, Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs

Date: December 9, 2016

Subject: Support for Faculty and Staff

The tragic and untimely death of our esteemed colleague and friend, Professor Bosco Tjan, has touched all of us at USC. While I know you are all sending your thoughts, and best wishes to his family, I also want us to remember to take care of each other. We will, as a university, continue to do everything we can to ensure your safety and well-being. To that end, I want to make you aware of resources we have to assist you. The appended page provide detailed information that I hope you find helpful. Briefly:

In an emergency, please contact the Department of Public Safety (UPC: 213-740-4321, HSC: 323-442-1000).

If you are in need of counseling services or if you are concerned that a faculty or staff member may need assistance, please contact the Center for Work and Family Life (213-821-0800).

If you are concerned about a student, please contact Student Counseling Services (213-740-7711) for a consultation with the oncall counselor. If you are on the health sciences campus, please contact the Eric Cohen Student Health Center of USC (323-442-5631). You may also direct students to a program under the Division of Student Affairs, Trojans Care for Trojans, which enables students to seek help, confidentially and anonymously, on behalf of others.

We have a bystander and gatekeeper program, called Trojans Care, designed to train our USC community to develop the skills and confidence to respond to problems and concerns, and to better understand the programs and services available. This training will help us learn strategies and techniques to intervene directly or indirectly to both emergency and non-emergency situations. Departments, offices and campus committees can request this training through Student Counseling Services.

This is obviously a very trying time for our community. At our remembrance service last Monday for Professor Tjan, our speakers encouraged us to be more compassionate and to pay more attention to each other. I ask the same, and I know you will.

Cc: C. L. Max Nikias

Academic Senate
Academic Deans
President’s Cabinet
Provost’s Cabinet

For further information, please visit https://employees.usc.edu/campus/access/employee-emergency/.